Another popular name for this favorite mix is puppy food. Chow down; it's doggone good!
Author: Chex
Still great after all these years! Chex® party mix has been a party staple for 50 years.
Author: Chex
Plain brown sugar and butter turns into caramelly goodness that surrounds chocolate cereal squares for a scrumptious crunchy snack.
Author: Chex
You'll really enjoy this tasty snack that's highlighted with the popular flavor of ranch dressing.
Author: Chex
Stir up a delicious snack that is bursting with a bright lemony flavor!
Author: Chex
Mint lover? You're only 4 ingredients and 15 minutes away from a make-your-own minty snack!
Author: Chex
Yum! Brown sugar and cinnamon team up in this easy mix-make it for any get-together.
Author: Chex
Butter, brown sugar and spice make a sweet and crunchy cereal mix.
Author: Chex
This year, microwave your traditional spiced holiday nuts with the addition of crunchy Chex cereal in minutes. Makes gift-giving super-easy.
Author: Chex
Toffee bits, crunchy Chex® cereal, pretzels and pecans are mixed with a chocolate and coffee mixture, then topped with powdered sugar for this special and sweet snack mix.
Author: Chex
A favorite among the Chex® team members, this crunchy super-snack disappeared in no time. Don't be surprised if the same thing happens at your next party!
Author: Chex
Hot sauce and ranch dressing mix make for a spicy and tangy snack mix.
Author: Chex
All the flavors of America's favorite fruit bread now come together in a fun new snack mix made in minutes in your microwave.
Author: Chex
Stir up a taste adventure with three tasty cereals, three crunchy nuts, and a perfect blend of spices.
Author: Chex
Craving cookies? You have all the same flavors of a brown sugar-spice cookie in this fun party mix, plus the crunch of cereal!
Author: Chex